Frequently Asked Questions
How many credits do i need for graduation
27. You can find a more detailed breakdown here.
How do I get a copy of my transcript
Request it from the registrar by clicking this link.
How do i sign up for drivers ed
You can find all Drivers Ed information here including how to signup. If you have any questions please, reach out to Justin Phillips at [email protected]
I wasn't please with my act score. How do i retake it?
Click here to find dates and times of upcoming tests as well as be able to find the registration link for ACT. You will also find additional resources so that you can study and be better prepared to take the ACT next time.
Does CCHS offer work release or internships?
CCHS does not offer work release credit at this time, but you can apply for an internship through our district career development program here. See your counselor for more details.
what currentent enrollment classes can i take at cchs?
Find a list of CE classes currently offered at CCHS here.
where do i find information about scholarships?
We have a lot of information on our webpage, but for even more guidance, you can also follow our Instagram account, read our monthly newsletter sent by email, make an appointment with our college access advisor, and attend your yearly College and Career Readiness meetings (appointments sent by email).